What are your rates?
Sixty dollars for the on-site visit* up to the first hour. Each additional hour is $50, prorated at $25 for each half hour.
Virus removals usually take a few hours to complete, but the charge is capped at a flat rate of $100.
*If we’re unable to help, there will be no charge.
Is that competitive?
Definitely; however, please check around and compare prices. Deciding on a trustworthy computer fix-it company is like discovering an honest, go-to auto mechanic shop: you do so by word-of-mouth recommendations and deciding whether they’ve helped you and made your life easier.
If you have a clear idea of what you’d like done, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to give you the best time estimate we can.
Are you open nights and weekends?
Absolutely. Problems don’t adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule, and neither does the need to fix them. Call or contact us to schedule an after-hours visit.
What if I’m a huge fan of Air Supply or Neil Diamond?
Well, clients with such distinct taste obviously deserve a discount. There will be, however, a written test.
How do I look in these jeans?
Simply amazing.